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GP Free Net On Android, Symbian, s40 and Other Mobiles

Published on: at 6:42 PM | Posted By:
You can browse GP free internet on your mobile device by following this article. This trick is made possible by Opera's Free surfing courtesy on several domains like,,, etc. Updated on 13 Jan, 2014.

Manually Create a connection profile for GP Free Internet On China, s40, Android, Symbian and Other Phones

  • APN: gpinternet
  • Proxy: none. (Keep blank if not possible then use
  • Port: none. (Keep empty if not possible then use 0)
  • Homepage: / / / / etc.
Now open the Default browser or Opera Mini or Nokia browser formally OVI browser and type any of the address from above homepage links the address bar. Don't worry your balance will not be deducted if you stay within these free sites.

Configure GP Free Net with Opera Mini On Android, Symbian, S40, and other china Java Mobiles

Create Connection Profile For Opera Mini:
  • APN: "gpinternet"
  • Proxy: ""
  • Port: "80".
  • Homepage: / / / etc.
This trick will work with almost all OperaMini even with the Official releases. So if you don't have any version of OperaMini then download and install one for your device. But no download is possible with this trick.
  1. To browse WiKiPedia only visit
  2. Tap Google search bar. Then Tap Google icon to expand search engines list.
  3. Now navigate to Manage Search Engines. Tap and hold on WiKiPedia.
  4. Tap Edit. Copy and paste following url as Address.
  1. Tap Save. Get back to search engines list. Tap Wikipedia to select it.
  2. Now write any site's address in search to go. After the loading tap Accept to go.
  3. That's it. Now you know how to browse any sites using trick.
Some low end china phones has memory problem issue those users will not be able to keep browsing. But still they can access a some of the free domains. If your internet is currently deactivated then just dial *500*0# to activate new P1 package.

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