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Bangladeshi Airtel Free Net Using Opera For Android

Published on: at 6:49 PM | Posted By:
It's possible to use free internet on your rooted or Non rooted Android using Bangladeshi Airtel sim. But Airtel BD free net for Android tricks are not fully free. One of my friend said it cost 1 MB data for 1 GB usage in 2G. And in 3G its 1 MB = 100 MB. So follow instructions carefully to make use of your Airtel Bangladesh free net connection on android.

Create Airtel BD Free Internet Profile in Android for Opera Mini

  • Go to Settings > Wireless & networks > Mobile networks > subscription 1 or 2 > Access Point Names.
  • Press menu button of your phone. Tap New APN.
  • Tap on Name and write "TunesHub" without quote
  • Then tap on APN and write "internet"
  • Tap on Proxy and write ""
  • Tap on Port and write "80"
  • Open menu using the menu key.
  • Tap on Save. That's it. You've created Airel BD Free Net Settings.
  • Now tap on the radio button of TunesHub's right to active newly created profile.

Activate A 2G or 3G Airtel BD Internet Package - Free Net for Android

You need to activate a Airtel's internet package. Dial *121*7# to activate one. If you're in 3G coverage then you can buy 3G package to get most speed. As we need to keep MB to use free net so Go to Settings > Data usage. Check Restrict Background from the options.

Configure Opera Mini Handler For Airtel BD Free Net for Android (Updated 13 Jan, 2014)

Airtel BD free unlimited download trick will work with almost all OperaMini handler. But I am suggesting to GingerBread users for use Oupeng cause it can let you download large files as it supports auto resuming. Means you don't need to be afraid about download failure. And Android ICS and Jelly Bean users can use to perform unlimited download (Files of any size).
  1. Download, Install and Open Oupeng761HandlerUI if you're using GingerBread. Or
  2. Download, Install and Open Yandex753HandlerUI for ICS or Jelly Bean.
  3. You will see a screen called Dzebb Handler and a text input area called Child Lock Code. So write "" without quotes. Then tap on Unlock button like screenshot given below.
Oupeng761HandlerUI Unlock
  1. Tap on Proxy Type. And select HTTP.
  2. Tap Proxy Server and write "" without double quotes.
configure Opera mini HUI for android with Airtel BD free net
  1. Tap Save button to save Airtel BD free net trick. That's it. Now you're ready to go for Airtel BD free unlimited download and browsing.
Oupeng - Bangladeshi Airtel free net trick for android - save

Bangladeshi Airtel Free Internet with Opera Mini for Android Isn't working?

If you followed previous instructions correctly but you're still unable to browse Airtel BD free net then follow these additional steps. Otherwise you can simply ignore these.
  1. If Opera Mini isn't getting installed then activate Airtel's Official settings without any proxy and port.
  2. Then cofigure Opera HUI with Proxy Type = Real Host. and write as proxy server.
  3. Go to Oupeng761HandlerUI Settings by Tapping On Opera Icon Then Gear Button.
  4. Tap on the last menu from the bottom like screenshot given below
Oupeng Advanced Settings
  1. Tap on Socket/HTTP button and select HTTP.
  2. That's all.
Oupeng Protocol Select
Be noted that if you didn't turned off the background data then all of your brought data package will be gone. And you won't be able to use free net anymore. So beware of that. Also note that as much as you use free net with Airtel BD sim you brought package will be slightly deducted.

52 comments On "Bangladeshi Airtel Free Net Using Opera For Android"

  1. dowunlod faul hoye jay ki korbo

    1. Article is updated. Hope you will be able to download from now on.

  2. should i have to activate a package must or i can use the net just configuring the apn and proxy??

    1. You must activate a package. But you can give it a try without activating to see if that works. But I am suggesting not to try that cause it can cut your account balance if fails.

  3. I love unique content like this. Plz carry on man.

    1. Thank you Fahad. But it takes very long time to write unique articles. And I have to stop blogging if I can't earn some money from it.

  4. Replies
    1. What is your Android version? I mean GingerBread, ICS or Jelly Bean?

      Did you activated 20 MB package?

  5. walton f2 a hoba?
    version android 4.2.2 jelly bean.

    1. Yea. It's possible to use this airtel bd free net trick on Walton Primo F2.

      Just use provided proxy and port and select Real Host from the "Handler Menu".

  6. Replies
    1. Yes. You can also use it on pc by following this article.

      It's the same process as Free net on pc usng OperaMIni.

    2. opera hendaler a save click ar por application error dakhay. why?

    3. It seems previous opera handler is not supported by your device. Download new handler to fix this.

      This trick is now updated with Airtel BD Free Unlimited download supported handler.

  7. kaj hoy na amar h2 te http/socket dile kaj hoy http dile kisu open hoy na

    1. Hmm! I see. Then use "http/socket" instead of "http".

      As I have downgraded my phone so I am suggesting ICS or Jelly Bean users to use "http/socket"

  8. coonect hoy na kisu te mul account theke taka kate. taka sesh connect o hoy na

    1. That means you didn't activated any package. It wont' work if you don't have any remaining MB.

      As you're using H2 so use real host. or you can try front query trick "" remember to put "/" after .com

  9. sob thik asa kinto china language ta little bit problem. have any option to use free without active a package.

    1. Hmm. China language. I will try to find it's English version.

      I don't know any way to use free without activating a package. But if you want to do browse only then of course you can do it without activating package.

  10. ami 1st free use korse, kin2 akhn r use korte parce na.setting a kono vol nai amr.
    kindly jode reply koran,khob upkrito hobo.

    1. It seems you don't have any remaining mb. Check the remaining volume if there is still some data then remove all settings from opera handler and write "" in the frontquery.

      And if it still doesn't working then change system proxy to "". One more thing don't forget to write "/" after ""

  11. eita ki s3 te use kora jabe na...pls ektu help koren..

    1. It should work with S3. But I didn't tried it on S3.

      But you can try and let me know if that works.

  12. Replies
    1. Use as proxy

      Then browse You can also browse other sites by posting the url in facebook comments, posts or messages etc.

  13. MB shesh hole r kaj korcena. page puropuri ashar agei lekha uthe net unavailable. plz help me

    1. See the comment above yours.

      If you still can't understand the trick then wait. I will update this article

  14. I'm followed all instructions correctly but I'm still unable to browse Airtel BD free net. Its cost my mb but not money....
    Plz give a update this article with proper instructions. I'm using Xperia J. Thank u

    1. Article is updated. And If balance or MB is available then it will be deducted. So don't keep them.

  15. Its working.. Thanx!
    Bt after a while Im nt able 2 brows anymore. Its nt working. wht should I do bro...???

    1. It only work forward. Don't press the back button also don't open links in a new tab

  16. its working but ,,,browsing hoy kintu download hoy na ki korbo???

    1. I am trying to publish a article about Airtel BD Free Net With UC Browser

    2. Plz publish a article about Airtel BD Free Net With UC Browser as soon as possible...
      Thank u.

  17. accha aita ki je kono packeg on korle hobe ..and aita ki packeg ses hoile abar packeg on korte hobe ... ??? ???? ???? plzzz help

    1. No. You don't need to activate any package.

      It will work without any remaining MB. So I a suggesting to try it without keeping balance

  18. Replies
    1. You don't need any MB to use trick.

      If you're using any package then use

      Port: 80

      In handler menu use

      Proxy Type: HTTP
      Proxy server:

  19. Amar symphony w68 dia 2G chalaile free net chalanojay but 3G chalaile kena mb kate ar ses hoya jay. Ar net chole na. Ami ki korbo. Plz help. Ar background data ki?

    1. Some apps like google play and android system usually access internet directly. So if you do restrict Background data then it won't cut your brought MB anymore.

  20. bhy your airtel free internet isn't working.when i try to go any site it shows 'cunnection error'

    1. Did you used Yandex handler? If no then use it.

      If yes then switch HTTP to Socket/HTTP. And if it's already set by Socket/HTTP then switch to HTTP from opera's advanced settings.

      Check previous comment bro. It's still working.

  21. bhy i am doing all but ths not working....

    1. Hmm. I see. Then try using

      Port: 80

      Handler Settings

      Proxy Type: Real host
      Proxy Server:

      If still not working then maybe it won't work on your device.

  22. bro,i can't use free net by airtel sim....i follow all ur instructions & ur comments.....If it is really working,then i request u to try this trick urself.......(my phone is Android jellybean v.4.1.2,Gts5282, Galaxy star,if there is any solution, pls help me)otherwise i request u to remove it from ur working tricks......

    1. I tried it myself but a few months earlier. Whatever It's now removed from the working trick's list

  23. why it's cutting my 3g balance?

  24. one problem boss i turned off the background data then what i do???????? plz help meeeeeeeeeeeeeee

    1. I am not sure that this trick is still working


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