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Calibrate Battery On Rooted Android

Published on: at 12:00 PM | Posted By:
There is a battery stats file on Android which contains the battery informations. And calibrating Android battery means delete existing battery stats file and let the OS regenerate a fresh stats file with correct battery information. It's highly recommended to all Android users to perform battery calibration to get better battery life.

Why Should You Perform Battery Calibration On Android?

You should perform battery calibration if your device showing wrong battery information. Like it may show 50% battery remaining but shutting down suddenly. Or you brought a new battery but it's still serving backup same as the old one. Here are some general matters which can cause inappropriate battery backup.
  • Flashing new ROMs or upgrading and downgrading Android version.
  • Replacing battery with another one ( New or used doesn't matter ).
  • Using Android at low battery while charging.
  • Removing Android from charger before 100% charge completed.
  • Charging battery before it asks for charger to connect.

Procedures to Calibrate Battery On Android ( Root Required )

  1. Use full battery backup by turning on the Android after it shuts down. And stop the process when battery reaches 5%.
  2. Download, Install and Open BatteryCalibration.
  3. You will be prompted to grant Superuser permission. So tap Allow.
  4. Plug in your Android to the charger.
  5. Wait till it charges to 100%.
  6. Tap Battery Calibration to delete batterystats.bin. Then tap OK.
  7. Unplug your Android from charger to let the OS generate a clean stats file. That's it.
Battery calibration on rooted Android
Important Note: Let the Android device fully discharge after calibration, and charge it to 100% without break otherwise following this article won't solve the bad battery backup problem.

Fake battery informations should be gone. But if it's still showing wrong information then leave a comment below. Author will try to solve your problem about battery calibration on rooted Android.

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